Best practice guidelines for mangrove restoration
The guidelines aim to build a shared understanding of best practices around mangrove management, and in doing so, to facilitate scaling up of cost effective, inclusive, and successful restoration.
Linking sectoral adaptation planning processes at national and subnational levels: Lessons from Senegal
Senegal’s NAP process has created institutional mechanisms that facilitate strategic linkages between local and national adaptation planning in climate-sensitive sectors.
Mangroves for coastal defence: Guidelines for coastal managers & policy makers
This practical guidebook summarises the findings of three technical reviews on mangroves and provides practical management recommendations to coastal zone managers and policymakers.
Building with Nature in Indonesia – reaching scale for coastal resilience
Northern Java’s deltaic shorelines suffer from land subsidence and severe erosion, in some places more than three kilometers of land has already been taken by the sea. The "Building with Nature" approach combines nature based solutions, such as mangrove restoration, with hard-engineering techniques to restrore mangrove coastlines that reduce flood risk, erosion and saline intrusion and may be able to adapt to sea level rise.
Mi’s Coastal Adventures
Using cartoons to communicate climate change: Mi, a surfing shrimp, discovers the impact of climate change and adaptation activities in coastal communities in South East Asia. The animation movie is part of the project "Building coastal resilience to reduce climate change impact in Indonesia and Thailand".
Mauritius : Sea-Level Rise and Impacts in Africa, 2000 to 2100. Application of the DIVA model to Africa.
Coastline in Mauritius. Image: © Impacts of sea-level rise in Mauritius The Republic of Mauritius is a group of...
Building coastal resilience to reduce climate change impact in Tambon Klong Yang, Amphur Koh Lanta, Krabi province, Thailand
Source: Raks Thai Foundation Summary of Adaptation Challenge Tambon Koh Klong Yang is located in the north of Koh Lanta...
Mangrove ecosystem and shrimp aquaculture in SW Bangladesh
Methods for understanding decision-making systems for ecosystem management and use
Gazi mangrove restoration project
Gazi mangrove restoration project - coastal ecosystem managed by a womens' community group
Forests and trees for adaptation: the 6 main stories
The six main stories about forests and trees for adaptation.