From Cali to Belem: Subnational governments leading nature action to adapt to climate change
The RegionsAdapt Progress Report 2024 highlights the adaptation efforts of subnational governments worldwide. It emphasizes the critical connection between biodiversity and climate resilience, showcasing strategies that integrate nature-based solutions to address these twin crises and highligting 12 stories of progress.
Harnessing Nature-based Solutions for economic recovery
This study reviews the role of Nature-based Solutions (NbS) in economic recovery, highlighting their potential to generate income, create diverse employment opportunities, and enhance community resilience while addressing biodiversity and climate challenges.
Assessment on prioritizing transboundary climate risks for Ireland
Explore a comprehensive assessment of transboundary climate risks to the Island of Ireland in three specific areas: agriculture and food security, trade and infrastructure, and biophysical systems.
Harnessing Ecosystem-based Adaptation to drive progress on implementing the Kunming Montreal Global Biodiversity Framework
This report offers consolidated evidence, guidance and case studies on ecosystem-based adaptation to support the uptake of EbA across national strategies and plans for all three Rio Conventions, and to inform the development of revised national biodiversity and climate commitments.
Video series “How to effectively restore mangroves”
Watch this video series by Wetlands International to learn about the challenges mangroves face worldwide and strategies to restore them.
Sustainable management of agrobiodiversity and recovery of vulnerable ecosystems in the Andean region of Peru
This report presents a comprehensive analysis of the GIAHS project's efforts to conserve agrobiodiversity and restore ecosystems in the Andean region of Peru. It highlights the importance of community participation, traditional knowledge, and the need for sustainable practices and policies to ensure the continuity of conservation efforts.
Strengthening socio-environmental monitoring in the Andes
Explore recommendations and proposals on socio-environmental monitoring in the Andes made by the research community in this policy brief.
Best practice guidelines for mangrove restoration
The guidelines aim to build a shared understanding of best practices around mangrove management, and in doing so, to facilitate scaling up of cost effective, inclusive, and successful restoration.
A roadmap for integrating theory and field observations in South America montane ecosystems
Learn about the empirical and theoretical approaches currently used to quantify the ecosystem service provision in South American montane forests and alpine environments. A broad roadmap for the creation of a trandisciplinary network that can bridge the gap between the needs of modelling and data availability is proposed, in order to facilitate the implementation of mountain vegetation into Dynamic Global Vegetation Models that are used in Earth System Models.
Pioneering study analyzes how plant communities throughout the High Andes are responding to climate change
Explore a new study by the GLORIA-Andes monitoring network to learn about how climate change is transforming summit plant communities in the High Andes, and what the key drivers of these changes are.