Francisco Cuesta
Francisco X. Cuesta Camacho
GLORIA network studies dispersal strategies of flowers in the High Andes
How are plants overcoming geographical barriers to disperse their seeds? The GLORIA-Andes network continues to provide basic knowledge about high Andean ecosystems, essential to understanding how native species feel the effects of climate change.
A roadmap for integrating theory and field observations in South America montane ecosystems
Learn about the empirical and theoretical approaches currently used to quantify the ecosystem service provision in South American montane forests and alpine environments. A broad roadmap for the creation of a trandisciplinary network that can bridge the gap between the needs of modelling and data availability is proposed, in order to facilitate the implementation of mountain vegetation into Dynamic Global Vegetation Models that are used in Earth System Models.
Pioneering study analyzes how plant communities throughout the High Andes are responding to climate change
Explore a new study by the GLORIA-Andes monitoring network to learn about how climate change is transforming summit plant communities in the High Andes, and what the key drivers of these changes are.