communicating climate risk
Communicating climate change adaptation: A practical guide to values based communication
This practical guide introduces the concept of values-based climate change communication for adaptation.
Communicating climate change: A practitioner’s guide
This guide will help you explain to colleagues or the broader public how the climate is changing and what they can do about it. It includes insights from working in Africa, Asia and Latin America.
Insights and Takeaways from the “Let’s A.C.T. Saint Lucia” Communication Campaign
This case study highlights the key points, takeaways and insights of the national multi-tiered climate change awareness campaign "Let’s A.C.T. Saint Lucia" undertaken in 2018.
Mi’s Coastal Adventures
Using cartoons to communicate climate change: Mi, a surfing shrimp, discovers the impact of climate change and adaptation activities in coastal communities in South East Asia. The animation movie is part of the project "Building coastal resilience to reduce climate change impact in Indonesia and Thailand".