Online course: Forest and land monitoring for climate action
Follow this FAO course to learn how to apply high-resolution satellite imagery to critical forest and land monitoring in tropical forest countries.
GEO Mountains In Situ Inventory
Discover a compilation of information on in situ observatories and other long-term monitoring infrastructure in the world's mountains.
Resilient Coast Santa Cruz: Cross-sector collaboration for long-term resilience
Learn about the Resilient Coast Santa Cruz (Resilient Coast) initiative which aims to address coastal adaptation for the long-term resilience of the City of Santa Cruz's coastline. Informed by scientific work and community vision, Resilient Coast utilizes an adaptation pathways approach supported by immersive and interactive tools, such as virtual reality used to facilitate community engagement.
Long-Term Social-Ecological Monitoring in the Andes: How are we doing?
Learn more about a recently published study on the state of the art of long-term social and environmental monitoring systems in the Andes. The study identified knowledge gaps and monitoring priorities, and provided a much-needed perspective of monitoring efforts in the region.
Human populations in the world’s mountains: Spatio-temporal patterns and potential controls
Delve into the data and trends of human populations in mountainous regions, and explore the associations between mountain populations and different environmental covariates. Findings may inform predictions of future mountain population distributions under scenarios of future climatic change.
Mountain observations: Monitoring, data, and information for science, policy, and society
Explore this easy-to-read overview of the current state of multi-disciplinary mountain observations. Discover the different methods used to observe mountain environments, as well as the diversity of knowledge and data sources available to learn from.
Empowerment in WASH Index Tool
Learn about EWI: a pragmatic survey-based tool made to measure, monitor and carry out diagnostics of water, sanitation, and hygiene-related interventions, allowing for inclusive and equitable outcomes.
Using citizen science to monitor particulate matter pollution in an informal settlement in Nairobi, Kenya
Discover how citizen science can be used to investigate air pollution in an informal urban settlement context, and learn about how this resulted in not only increased awareness but a new air quality knowledge exchange network between key local stakeholders.
Citizen science for monitoring air pollution
Learn about this 3-step approach used to engage local communities in monitoring air pollution levels, providing new insights into human health and how to mitigate and avoid pollutants using a citizen science approach.
Ecosystem-based adaptation for beginners edX MOOC course
This EbA course will equip learners with transferable and replicable skills in designing and implementing EbA initiatives by offering targeted training on key principles, risk assessments, monitoring, and governance.