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GEO Mountains In Situ Inventory

Discover a compilation of information on in situ observatories and other long-term monitoring infrastructure in the world's mountains.
Multiple Authors
Map with blue circles
Image credit: GEO Mountains


Many in situ observations in mountains are made by different organisations, for different purposes, using different protocols, leading to a highly fragmented “data landscape”. Put simply, it is often difficult to discover, in a given region, who is measuring what, where, how, and why, hindering potential data reuse and collaboration. In response, the GEO Mountains In Situ Inventory seeks to provide a comprehensive view of existing long-term monitoring infrastructure, plus links to access the corresponding time-series or other observations (where available).


The GEO Mountains community compiled metadata corresponding to individual stations, station networks, and other mountain monitoring infrastructure. The inventory can be visualised via an interactive web map.

Key messages

A considerable amount of infrastructure exists in the world’s mountains, but full metadata are not always available, and access to freely and easily download the corresponding time-series remains unassured in many instances.

Further resources

Suggested citation: GEO Mountains (2022). Inventory of in situ mountain observational infrastructure, v2.0. DOI: 10.6084/m9.figshare.14899845.v2  

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