Adapting to transboundary risks in mountain regions
Explore solutions on the A@A Solutions Portal that have been implemented either across borders or in multiple countries with shared borders in this Adaptation at Altitude brief.
Strategies for monitoring and evaluation of climate change adaptation: localizing global approaches into Andean realities
How are global approaches on monitoring and evaluation to climate change adaptation being localized in the design and implementation of public policies and territorial strategies for adaptation in the Andes? Learn more in this study.
Andes Regional Dialogue 1: Governance and participation
The first of the Andes Regional Dialogues focuses on governance and participation - learn more and watch the recording!
Promoting the Science-Policy dialogue: the Andean Mountain Initiative meets the Socio-Environmental Monitoring Networks of the Andes
How can science-policy dialogues strengthen adaptation and sustainable development in the Andes? Learn more in this summary of the meeting between the Andean Mountain Initiative and the socio-environmental monitoring networks of the Andes.
Guía para la evaluación de inversiones para empresas de prestación de servicios de acueducto (EPSA)
Este documento proporciona una metodología detallada para evaluar inversiones en empresas dedicadas a la prestación de servicios de acueducto en Colombia.
The high Andean basins face climate change: Results from seven case studies on vulnerability
Explore an analysis of available information on the vulnerability of hydrographic basins to climate change at the Andean continental level. The study analyzes seven basins, one for each Andean country, an includes a situational diagnosis and recommendations for reducing climate vulnerability in the Andes, as well as the identification of knowledge gaps and priority work issues for adaptation in the region.
Using SDG Synergies to help university students to better understand systems thinking
This SDG Synergies case study involves a series of five workshops at EAFIT University, Medellín, where SDG Synergies helped students to identify interactions between topics that they had previously thought were unrelated.
Using SDG Synergies to improve coherence between policy agendas in Colombia
This SDG Synergies case study focused on 61 targets that were selected from across the three agendas, chosen according to their relevance for Colombia’s mining-energy sector.
Using SDG Synergies to prioritize development strategies in Colombia
This SDG Synergies case study focuses on two workshops that explored which environmental themed Sustainable Development Goals should be prioritised in development strategies.
Using REVAMP and local collaboration to explore waste management scenarios in Chía, Colombia
Discover how REVAMP was used to find out how to make Chía’s waste management more effective and at the same time contribute to a range of sustainable development priorities.