adaptation pathways
Assessing transboundary climate risks under the UNFCCC Global Stocktake
What are the scientific, technical, political and procedural barriers to including transboundary climate risks in the UNFCCC Global Stocktake? This brief seeks to redress the "transboundary gap" in the next Global Stocktake and emphasise the need for international cooperation for climate action.
Resilient Coast Santa Cruz: Cross-sector collaboration for long-term resilience
Learn about the Resilient Coast Santa Cruz (Resilient Coast) initiative which aims to address coastal adaptation for the long-term resilience of the City of Santa Cruz's coastline. Informed by scientific work and community vision, Resilient Coast utilizes an adaptation pathways approach supported by immersive and interactive tools, such as virtual reality used to facilitate community engagement.
SENSES Toolkit for Climate Change Adaptation
The SENSES Toolkit, developed in the EC SENSES project, offers a range of modules for finance, policy and regional decision makers to learn about and explore climate change scenarios.
Changement climatique : penser les « trajectoires » de l’adaptation
This blog post shows how adaptation pathways can help us better address climate change.
Cet article montre comment une approche par les "trajectoires" d'adaptation pourrait nous permettre de faire face au changement climatique.
Cet article montre comment une approche par les "trajectoires" d'adaptation pourrait nous permettre de faire face au changement climatique.
Climate Change Scenario Primer
This interactive primer explains what climate change scenarios are and how they are connected to socioeconomics, energy and land use, emissions, climate change and climate impacts.
Managing uncertainty under multiple drivers and disruptors
This Multi-Objective Adaptive Planning Framework incorporates responsive and adaptive planning techniques to manage the variety of future uncertainties, while meeting multiple objectives.
Working across scales – Learning from seven years of climate compatible development in Asia
A report by CDKN explores the value of stimulating climate compatible development at multiple levels of governance - drawing on seven years of work by in India, Indonesia, Nepal and Pakistan.
Webinar: Adaptation Pathways – From Concept to Practice
ASSAR, in collaboration with CSIRO (Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation), organised a webinar on Adaptation Pathways on Friday 14 October 2016, available online here.
The ASSAR Spotlight – July 2016 Edition
The ASSAR Spotlight - July 2016 Edition
Adapt or perish: A review of planning approaches for adaptation under deep uncertainty
Adapt or perish: A review of planning approaches for adaptation under deep uncertainty