Why climate action is a matter of human rights for older people worldwide
On 9 April 2024, the European Court of Human Rights issued a pivotal ruling that places older persons at the heart of climate justice discussions. This perspective from SEI explores the background of the court’s decision and its implications for policymakers globally.
Resilient Coast Santa Cruz: Cross-sector collaboration for long-term resilience
Learn about the Resilient Coast Santa Cruz (Resilient Coast) initiative which aims to address coastal adaptation for the long-term resilience of the City of Santa Cruz's coastline. Informed by scientific work and community vision, Resilient Coast utilizes an adaptation pathways approach supported by immersive and interactive tools, such as virtual reality used to facilitate community engagement.
Results and impacts of the UCSC Coastal Resilience Lab – Valuing risk reduction services provided by coastal ecosystems
In this case study the Coastal Resilience Research Lab at UCSC informs the case for the protective value of nature as a cost effective strategy to help reduce risk to people and property.
Canada’s Adaptation Platform: Projects and Results
This report summarises case studies across 11 sectors of industry and adaptation themes from Canada's Adaptation Platform.
INSIDE STORY: Climate change and flood risk – Challenges for Jamaican towns and communities
This case study describes the potential medium- and long-term impacts of climate variability and change on flood risk for selected study areas in Jamaica.
Assessing and Adapting to the impact of weather events at the Royal Botanic Garden Edinburgh
Investigating the impact of weather events on plants, people and infrastructure at the Royal Botanic Garden, Edinburgh, and using these findings to inform adaptation.
The BioClim project: Climate change adaptation strategy for the natural environment and bioeconomy in Estonia
The BioClim project contributed to the compilation of the Estonian national climate adaptation strategy and action plan. It considers two general themes: natural environment and bioeconomy.
Cyclone resistant causeway across the Buckingham Canal – Safeguarding peoples’ mobility and livelihoods in the village of Ramudupalli Palem, India
Causeway to access the seaside in Ramudupalli Palem Only the Buckingham Canal separates the village of Ramudupalli Palem in Andhra...
Constructing a storm-proof fishing equipment storage facility – Securing and improving livelihoods of the fishing community of Srirampuram, India
Srirampuram and Ramudupalli Palem's shed to protect fishing equipment Srirampuram is a small village in Andhra Pradesh located 1.5 km...
Working with nature towards integrated approaches to disaster risk reduction
Introduction All around the world, people are increasingly exposed to disaster risk from natural hazards such as droughts, storms and...