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Dr. Suresh Attri

Dr. Suresh Chand Attri, Chief Scientist presently working at Sub-National level in India has a wider experience of over 28...
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Multiple Authors

Gender-responsive participatory climate adaptation training in Himachal Pradesh, India

On 23 and 24 March 2022, a two-day intervention training programme on crop diversification was led by the Government of Himachal Pradesh and GIZ. The training aimed to enhance the resilience of women farmers by equipping them with the necessary knowledge and skills to diversify their crops and explore alternative income streams beyond traditional agriculture.
Multiple Authors

Knowledge Networking to Address Climate Change Impacts and Disaster Risks by Engaging Local Groups and Institutions to Localise Actions

Learn about the Government of Himachal Pradesh's efforts to incorporate climate change and disaster risk reduction issues at the highest levels of governance. The article discusses how the state government transformed the administrative and technical outlook to institutionalize the state's knowledge network and mainstream SDG 13 in the planning process.

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