Online course: Rights-Based Approaches to Environmental Sustainability

- Level: Introductory
- Time commitment:10-12 hours
- Learning product:Online course (MOOC)
- Sector:Multi-sector
- Location: Asia-Pacific
- Language:English
- Certificate available: No
The absence of a globally recognized right to a healthy environment has not stopped the development of human rights norms relating to the environment. Nor has it prevented countries and regional bodies from enshrining this right in their respective constitutions and legislations/regional instruments. Human rights and environmental protection are mutually reinforcing in various ways.
This open online course on rights-based approaches to environmental sustainability aims at strengthening and expanding knowledge bases of environmental policymakers and practitioners in Asia-Pacific on the interlinkages between human rights and the environment/climate change. This includes e.g. how human rights are affected by climate change; howStates’ human rights obligations are related to climate change and thechallenges of applying human rights to climate change.
To gain access to theRights-Based Approaches to Environmental Sustainability online course registerhere
Institutional background and trainer
The Raoul Wallenberg Institute of Human Rights and Humanitarian Law (RWI) developed this course with the SEI Asia Centre in Bangkok. RWI is a research and academic institution committed to human rights education and development across the world.
Course trainers:
Dr. Sumudu Atapattu –Dr. Sumudu is the Director of Research Centers and Senior Lecturer at UW Law School and Affiliated Professor to RWI. She teaches in the area of International Environmental law and climate change and human rights .
Helena Olsson – Helena has a Master Degree in Political Science with focus on Human Rights, Peace and Democracy from Lund University.
Victor Bernard – Victor is a Programme Officer for the Raoul Wallenberg Institute in Phnom Penh, working on the Regional Asia Programme. In this capacity, he oversees and manages the Thematic Study on the Right to a Safe, Clean and Sustainable Environment in ASEAN and provides programme support in the field of human rights and the environment.
Who would find this useful?
The course is developed to primarily benefit senior and mid-level programme officers working for environmental organisations with limited knowledge on human rights and its application to environmental and climate change programs. The course also addresses members of the civil society and academia, who work on environmental protection and climate change.
Training material
The course is structured into 8 sessions each having some combination of quizzes, exercises, videos, further reading suggestions and reflections. All sessions are self-paced and flexible, so they can be completed at the participants’ own pace.
Introduction to MOOC
This module introduces the MOOC and its expected learning outcomes.
Introducing human rights
In this module, the origins and purpose of the international human rights regime are explained, including how, by whom, and why the system developed and the main ideas and concepts behind it. Key contemporary debates, and challenges and opportunities for human rights moving forward are also discussed.
International Human Rights Law
the Scope and Nature of Rights- This module introduces international human rights law and the international human rights system, starting with a brief introduction to Public International Law. We will see whathuman rights are covered in binding treaties and what this means for States Parties.
Human Rights and Environment
This module introduces key links between the human rights regime and environmental protection and sustainability, looking broadly at how the two fields connect and interact.
Human Rights and Climate Change
In this module, we continue to explain links between human rights and the environment, looking specifically at climate changewherehuman rights have the same, but also other implications than what we describedin module 4.
Monitoring System and Accountability Mechanisms
The module presents the monitoring system of human rights, the UNsystem, and mechanisms at different levels. We also look at how regional systems include the environment and the role of Business in the human rightssystem.You will then hear reflections of regional actors that work with human rights accountability related to the environment.
Human Rights-based approaches
After a brief introduction to human rights principles, this modulepresentsthe third exercise of the course, guiding you to analyzeone of your activities from a rights-based perspective.
Wrap-up and course evaluation
Learning Outcomes
Enhance participants’ understanding of:
- the origins and purpose of international human rights
- what international human rights law covers and how it operates
- How human rights can be applied, and are relevant, to issues of environmental sustainability.
- What a rights-based approach is, and how it can be applied to activities and projects.
In general the aim is to promote the use of human rights to achieve better outcomes in environmental programming and develop fundamental knowledge in participants to partake in subsequent trainings on integrating a rights-based approach to specific environmental programs.
The course was designed by The Raoul Wallenberg Institute of Human Rights and Humanitarian Law (RWI), in collaboration with the Stockholm Environment Institute (SEI).
Recommended reading for course:
- Framework Principles on Human Rights and the Environment (2017)
- David Boyd, A Safe Climate: Human Rights and Climate Change (2019), (A/74/161).
- Human Rights Council, Report of the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights on the Relationship between Climate Change and Human Rights, A/HRC/10/61 (15 January 2009)
- Ituarte-Lima, C; Bernard, V; Paul, D; San, S; Aung, MM; Dany, C; Chavisschindha, T; Paramita, D; Aung, MT and Saenphit, N (2020) Prosperous and green in the Anthropocene: The human right to a healthy environment in Southeast Asia – The Raoul Wallenberg Institute of Human Rights and Humanitarian Law (, Lund, Sweden.