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Changes in local adaptive capacity after Climate Change Adaptation programming

The Mountain Societies Development Support Programme, designed & facilitated a CCA programme to build local adaptive capacity among agro-pastoral villages in Kyrgyzstan.

The Mountain Societies Development Support Programme, a non-governmental organization, designed and facilitated a climate change adaptation programme to build local adaptive capacity (LAC) among agro-pastoral villages in remote mountain areas of Kyrgyzstan. Research found the programme contributed to increased adaptive capacity related to the asset base, knowledge and information, and flexible forward-looking decision-making. There were less apparent changes in the characteristics of institutions and entitlements and innovation.

This research evaluated the programme using the LAC framework of Jones et al. [2010. Towards a characterisation of adaptive capacity: A framework for analysing adaptive capacity at the local level. Background Note. Overseas Development Institute.]

The programme increased LAC most prominently through increasing knowledge and information, facilitating the development and official adoption of a village adaptation plan (flexible and forward-looking decision-making), and supporting development of the tree nursery (asset base). Factors influencing the level of change in capacity are related to the nature of programme activities and the transitional post-Soviet context.


Laurie Ashley; [email protected]

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