
Connecting and collaborating with others is easy on weADAPT – you can connect with other people working on projects in your field or region and get information about your project published so others can find you. Get started by sharing your work and searching for work on the Adaptation Layer.
The weADAPT Adaptation Layer integrates adaptation case studies covering past and present projects into Google Earth allowing users to browse adaptation projects by location and explore regional impacts and activities, or to search globally for projects with certain characteristics. By publishing on the Adaptation Layer practitioners, researchers, decision-makers and planners can get get in contact with others working in similar areas.
Publishing on the Adaptation Layer
If you want to share your current or past projects, case studies are a good way to publish. You can create a Placemark for your project – a project summary which is indexed by its location and published on the Google Earth Adaptation Layer. Using the Adaptation Layer, other users can browse projects by region or by search term. Sharing a case study on the Adaptation Layer helps other practitioners and potential funders find your work and connect with you. Once you have registered you can publish your project on the Adaption Layer.
Adaptation Stories
The Adaptation Layer can be used to create Adaptation Stories for use as illustrative materials for presentations or conferences. Using screen capture video technology fly-through videos can be created illustrating project groups, adaptation efforts in a region or adaptation projects in a theme. Watch this movie show-casing community based adaptation projects or this one telling a story of deforestation in Kenya. For help on how to do this, please contact [email protected].
Climate Data Display
The weADAPT team have been working on the integration of CIP’s observed and projected climate station data with the Adaptation Layer. This integration will allow users to view case studies and active projects in a region along with current and projected future climate in that location while understanding the uncertainty associated with the data. Integrating CIP’s station data will allow the Adaptation Layer to visualize adaptation in a region in the context of future climate change to support the decision-making process.
Getting Help
You can use the Getting Started Guide to find help and guidance on using and sharing on the Adaptation Layer. View our Guidance articles and our Tutorials and FAQ for more in depth guidance. If you are short on time and want to publish quickly, you can copy and paste the details of your project into the weADAPT QuickShare form (available in English and Spanish) and the weADAPT team will upload the content for you.