Associate Professor [Senior]
André Francisco Pilon, along his career, held the positions of Associate Professor, University of São Paulo; Psychologist, São Paulo’s State Court of Justice; Director, Ministry of Health; Editor-in-Chief, journal Academus, Collaborator, Journal da USP. Academic Background: Masters of Public Health Education, University of Puerto Rico; Doctorate (and Post-Doctorate), University of São Paulo. Affiliations: International Academy of Science, Health & Ecology; UNCCD Science-Policy Interface; EuroScience; World Alliance for Citizen Participation: IUHPE; WSSCC; Center for Healthy Cities. He authored several scientific publications and presented at different national and international events on environmental problems, quality of life and the state of the world in view of a four-dimensional ecosystemic approach to public policies, research and teaching programmes, encompassing politics, economics, culture, education, culture, ethics and new paradigms of growth, power, wealth, work and freedom. Link to Public Profile and Selected Publications:
Joined 2016
São Paulo, SP, Brazil