Climate Change Adviser
I am a climate change and environmental management specialist and work as Climate Change Adviser for Oxfam Australia. Before joining Oxfam Australia, I worked for the United Nations Development Program (UNDP) where I was involved in implementing UN’s sustainable environment management strategies, alongside UNDP’s Climate Change Strategy across Pacific Island countries. While at UNDP, I had helped pioneer the formulation of some leading Global Environment Facility programmes in the Pacific Islands such as the Regional IWRM and Sustainable Land Management (SLM) programmes. I have also worked for national governments, academia and NGOs across Europe, Australia and Pacific Islands.
I am interested in adaptation and vulnerability assessments, Mainstreaming of climate change adaptation, multi-level governance and biodiversity conservation, international environmental law and finance and ecosystem-based management. I am happy to contribute in these areas, as well as geographic areas covering SE Asia, Pacific and South Africa.
Joined 2013
United Kingdom
Oxfam Australia