The years I have spent responding to emergencies under hazardous conditions have expanded my skills and knowledge in assisting people in recognizing, mitigating, planning for, responding to and recovering from all types of hazards including: fires; life safety issues; emergency situations; responses and planning and rescue operations. I have trained firefighters and other emergency responders in emergency operations, hazardous materials and methods of evaluation and research and offer consulting and planning assistance to any citizens, businesses or organizations who request my help. I have formed the organization, Emergency Planning and Logistics Consulting Limited (EPLC Ltd.) to provide clients with the ability to help themselves; assist with pandemic planning; develop and conduct exercises; to make more sound decisions in crises; and to learn to communicate clearly in any circumstances. My objective is resilient people, resilient communities and resilient business.
Your own personal planning will raise your awareness of the environment you live in; direct your efforts for personal and community safety; and help you make valuable choices for a resilient future, even in the face of crisis.
Our lives have many incidents, emergencies, disasters and crises. Many of them begin with the decision process - constant choices we make to go from one moment to the next. If I can help one person with achieving clarity in their personal decision process, that one person will be the catalyst for a better future - the "ripple" of integrity and good that we can all spread.
How may I help you and your organization?
Joined 2012
Huntsville, ON, Canada
Emergency Preparedness and Logistics Consulting Limited