Social Scientist, PhD
I am a passionate social scientist with key interest in understanding the human aspects and causal structures of climate change vulnerability, adaptive capacity, adaptation and resilience. My main interest in climate change adaptation research and policy is guided by the question of how vulnerable groups of people can be encouraged to take adaptive actions? Which individual and structural factors influence (i.e. facilitate or constrain) social systems to carry out any adaptation actions?
I recenty completed my PhD studies at the University of the South Pacific in which I was looking at the various challenges rural, coastal households in Fiji face from the adverse impacts and risks from climate change. In particular, I investigated the extent to which grassroots' are aware of the phenomenon, their knowledge, understanding, perception and adaptive actions implemented to lower their vulnerability and increase resilience.
Having lived and studied in the South Pacific region for many years, I developed a strong sense of climate justice and advocate the urgent need to promote and further research adaptation and disaster risk reduction in this highly vulnerable region.
Joined 2017