I am the founder of the above mentioned organisation operating in south wester Uganda. Below is the organizations Profile.
EMAIL: [email protected]
Phone Number: +256772292323 or +256702408040
Foundation for AIDS Orphaned Children (FAOC) is a Non-Governmental Organization (NGO) operating in Isingiro District, southwestern Uganda. It was founded and registered in 1994. Our offices are located opposite Kikokwa health center 111 Kaberebere Town Council. FAOC was founded as a result of the need to scale up interventions for effective and quality care and protection of orphans and other vulnerable children and their households. The organization carries out development activities geared towards uplifting the livelihoods of orphans and other vulnerable children. These activities are to effectively mitigate the impact of orphan hood and other vulnerability among Ugandan children,youths, care givers and their families.
Area of operation
FAOC lies primarily in its grass roots approach where rural communities are engaged and fully involved in project decision making and delivery through connected group structure, the employment of facilitators/ local chair persons and the involvement of all family members.
FAOC operates in Mbara, Shema and Isingiro Districts among three Sub- Counties; Nyamuyanja, Birere and Masha sub- counties. Kigyendwa, Nyamuyanja, Kishuro, Kahenda, Kasaana, Kyera, Kabirizi, Kyenyangi, Kyabutoto, Rutsya, Rweziringiro, Birere1, Kaberebere1, Kikokwa1, Kaberebere2, Birere2, Mikonogana, Akateete, Nyamitsindo.
Sheema District: Twimukye group Omugyera, Tukundane Group Ekijoma, Magara Group, Rugazi V, Tukorenamani Group Kanshembe, Tuhwerane group Rugazi, Tutungukye Group Kyabuharambo, Tuhame group Kyabuharambo,Turibamwe Kyabuharambo, Abamwe group Kyabuharambo, Tukwatanise group Kyabuharambo.
Mbarara District.
Kiyanja cell sanga and Kanyaryeru women entrepreneurs associations.
Projects implemented by FAOC
1. Sustainable livelihood project; goat/pig pass on scheme and revolving fund scheme [ Funded by McKnight Foundation]
2. Collaborative crop research; aiming at promoting the growing and utilization of chickpea in the banana growing area of Isingiro District. The project was implemented by FAOC, MBARAZARDI, Makerere University department of food science and nutrition and ICRISAT based in Nairobi Kenya. [ Funded by McKnight Foundation]
3. Commercializing agricultural products and value addition i.e. chickpea, cassava, coffee, orange fleshed sweet potato grafted fruits grain amaranth and vegetables. [ Funded by McKnight Foundation]
4. SCORE project (Sustainable Comprehensive Responses for Vulnerable children and their households) implemented in partnership with TPO Uganda (Trans-Psychosocial Support organization) funded by USAID. Targeting six hundred and eight OVC households (608) in the area of Nyamuyanja Sub-county Isingiro Distrct and Masheruka and Kasana Subscountie in Sheema District.
5. Promoting coffee growing in Isingiro District in partnership (UCDA)
6. Environment conservation: Strengthening sustainable environmental conservation, natural resource management, climate change adaptation and mitigation. And also promoting solar energy technologies.[ Funded UNDP through WWF]
7. Capacity building for Livestock production, care and management/goat and pig pass-on. [Funded by Vet Without Boarders VWB] on going.
Mission, vision, and key objectives
FAOC’s mission is to improve upon the welfare of HIV/AIDS orphaned children and vulnerable children and Youth by helping them realize their survival, development potentials and ensuring that their human rights are observed and their contributions to the socio-economic development are recognized and respected.
Creating a society where all orphans, youth and vulnerable children and their house hold’s rights are upheld and their ambitions are realized
Key objectives
FAOC aims at:
1. Promoting environmental conservation and climate change adaptation initiatives for improved livelihoods.
2. Providing support services to the HIV/AIDS orphaned children, vulnerable children and widows with respect to knowledge and skills in self-help activities.
3. Raising awareness about HIV/AIDS scourge among the orphaned children, vulnerable children.
4. Enhancing the survival capacity of HIV/AIDS affected families in rural areas by strengthening their socio-economic base and keeping them as integral members of their communities.
5. Advocating and lobbying for resources from existing sources to support orphaned children, vulnerable children and widows.
6. Establishing VSLAs or revolving fund schemes for the benefit of child-headed families, orphans, vulnerable children and their households.
7. Improving the living conditions of the HIV/AIDS orphaned children and vulnerable children by promoting household income generation and quality socio-economic service delivery in a friendly environment.
8. Enhancing the capacity of communities to understand the nature of HIV/AIDS epidemic and its impact widows and orphans.
9. Developing the entrepreneurship capacity of HIV/AIDS affected families and ability to access financial/enterprise development services by the widows, child headed families and caregivers.
10. Lobbying government, development partners and the community to contribute resources for investment in the education and health of HIV/AIDS orphaned children and vulnerable children.
To achieve the above objectives, a number of strategies have been designed. These are:
1) Promoting and creating awareness on the relevance of tree planting and solar energy technologies through community dialogues and national events.
2) Community mobilization, sensitization and education
3) Encouraging participation of the communities at all levels in activities that address the plight of HIV/AIDS orphaned children, vulnerable children, Youth and widows
4) Liaising and co-operating with other development partners/agents within and outside the country to address the different challenges OVCs and Youth face at household and community level.
5) Identifying the concern of HIV/AIDS orphaned children, vulnerable children,youth and widows and lobbying for inclusion in the District Development Plan and annual budget every year
6) Providing support to efforts aimed at educating HIV/AIDS-orphaned children
7) Provision of goats/pigs to families/households with orphans to increase their capacity to generate income for use in providing basic needs to the orphans
8) Training of widows, HIV/AIDS orphaned children and child headed families in improved production methods and marketing techniques
9) Ensuring effective delivery of services with respect to education and health to the HIV/AIDS orphaned children, vulnerable children
10) Sensitization on income generating activities/projects
11) Sensitization on how to maintain projects
12) Establish credit/loan facilities for HIV/AIDS widowed women and youth.
Target groups
Target groups within FAOC’S mission are the orphans, vulnerable youth and children (OVC) and care givers. These categories of people are defined as follows:
a) Orphans
Orphans refer to children below the age of 18 years who have lost either one of the biological parent or both parents. It is estimated that Uganda has 2 million orphans, the majority being paternal orphans. The health and wellbeing of the surviving mothers are paramount to the survival of orphans.
b) Vulnerable children
These are children who bear substantive risk of suffering significant physical, emotional or mental harm. These include an estimated 10,000 street children, poverty stricken children and children living in camps.
c) Care givers
These are individuals, usually mothers who take primary responsibility for the physical, mental and emotional needs and well being of children. The majority of orphans in Uganda are being taken care of within the extended family. Widows, children and grandmothers who are hard pressed to provide the necessities for the children they are raising head many households.
The priority targets
a) Vulnerable children needing re-integration into caring adult-headed families. The first priority is vulnerable children living on their own within inappropriate adult care and support. This category includes:
Child-headed households This includes children heading households on their own including children who are parents and they have lost their parents through HIV/AIDS disease
Children with psychosocial or physical vulnerability These are orphans or vulnerable children who are at risk, due to exposure to significant psychosocial or physical harm
Un supervised children and child laborers These are children left without adult care for a significant part of the day, including child laborers
b) Vulnerable households within a community. This category includes:
Single, widowed, female headed households These include single, widow or widower headed households with orphans and other vulnerable children, aged between 18 years and poverty status of these households lie in the neediest category of the community in which they live
Chronically ill head of household/Caregiver/adult household member These include households with orphans and other vulnerable children, where the head of the household, care giver is chronically ill or living with HIV/AIDS and poverty status of these households lie in the neediest category of the community in which they live
Since its inception in 1994, FAOC has successfully implemented projects funded by various donor agencies (table 1). Presently, two projects are ongoing and progressing according to plan. These projects demonstrate the vast experiences the organization management and its staff have acquired over time in the area of project implementation.
1.7 Organizational and Management structure
Executive Committee Position
1 Mr. Kayongo Ahama Chairman
2 Edmond Tumuhirwe Vice chairman
3 Mr. Buyinza Boaz Executive Secretary
4 Hajati Mariam Kawesa Treasurer
5 Kemirembe Norah Member
6 Hajati Hajara Sebyara Member
7 Pastor Kashamba John Member
8 Atusasire Juliet Member
9 Elly Twinomujuni Member
Existing staff
1 Mr. Buyinz Boaz Executive Secretary
2 Ninsiima Gloria Administrator/IT Officer
3 Rosette Aryampa Human resource and Administrative Assistant
4 Bakashaba Johnbosco Project Officer,
Food Security and Nutrition
5 Musiimenta lilibet Lisa Youth coordinator
Safiki kikobero Social worker
7 Mwetise Monic M&E assistant Manager
8 Ahimbisibwe Joseph Field Extension officer
9 Kanyesigye prossy Social worker
Support staff
Community Based Trainers (CBTs)
10 Enock CBT
Village Health Team (VHTs)
11 Didas Mugyenyi VHT
12 Polly Mubangizi VHT
13 Tusiime Florence VHT
14 Orizarwa Sylvia VHT
Peer educators
15 Tumwebaze Justine Peer Educator
16 Nyesigire Caroline Peer Educator
17 Tumusiime Jovita Peer Educator
18 Kyokushaba Patricia Peer Educator
19 Nalubega Cecilia Sanitation officer
20 Inocent Byamukama Security Officer
21 Mark Ryan Marketing Officer-amaranth marketing
1.8 Available facilities
1. 5 Computers
2. Suzuki for VWB volunteers
3. Office Space (3 Rooms)
4. Office furniture and fittings
5. Printers
6. Two Motorcycles
1.9 Strengths/opportunities
1. Good working relationship with Mbarara and Isingiro District officials and Extension workers and other NGOs
2. Established Community Groups
3. Willingness of the beneficiaries to embrace the organizational goals and mission
4. Previous projects have been successful due to willingness’ of the beneficiaries
5. Partnership with other development partners like, NAADS, CECORD, TPO, NARO, University of Saskatchewan Canada.
• Partners can provide financial support to FAOC to implement activities in line with the objectives described above.
• Build the capacity of FAOC to plan and implement all its objectives as listed above. Capacity building will include training, mentorship and other methods deemed appropriate
• Provide technical support to FAOC and other community support structures, building the capacities of the community based systems, to identify, support and monitor the wellbeing of the children and women and other vulnerable people.
• Support FAOC to establish household data management systems that enhance progress monitoring and provide useful program data and information.
• Provided technical support to FAOC that enables it to mainstream some of the project intervention areas into its core program interventions.
• Enhance and support creation of partnerships and networking opportunities for FAOC and other strategic partners in the district.
• FAOC ensures that it has committed staff available to implement this project.
• All project objectives will be delivered simultaneously ensuring that every household benefit from all the project.
• Prepare coasted work plans that will be submitted to the partner’s office for approval prior to implementing activities.
• Receive, manage and account for all funds remitted by partner organization for purposes of implementing the stated objectives in this project.
• Participate in all projects related activities in the implementing partners designated sub counties of operation as well as those organized elsewhere as long as it is ascertained that they are all related to delivery of the Project.
• Maintain up to date records of all project activities and always make these accessible to the partners upon request. These will include work plans, activity reports and financial reports.
• Establish effective linkages with Sub county and district partners CSO, community based structures as part of enhancing referrals and networking.
• Participated in district and sub county activities related to its projects.
‘Striving for improved quality of life for marginalized groups’
Joined 2019
KAMPALA, UgandaAdd your project
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