Program Manager
We are a Malian NGO called TRAIT D’UNION. We work on the field of education, health and climate change to help defavorized children, youth and women. Our organization is a non- profit one . Our organization is created in 2010. We work with youth and women for the sustainable development, agriculture, Health and education. Our organization plan to help youth people through Mali on the field of agriculture, education and health. Our organization is planning a project to provide school and Health tools to defavorized children, women and youth to help them getting good education and better sanitation and health. We are looking for a Partnership with to help us realizing our dream. After violence in the north of Mali, many areas have been affected by the crisis in the west, south and est. Now our dream is to have a partnership with you to come in Mali.
We want to have your representatives in Mali
We invite you to come and visit Mali for further details.
Executive Director
Ngo Trait d’Union
00223 66244737
Joined 2016