At the moment I am a freelancer.
I work with different individuals and groups (such as Ecosummit; CAN Tanzania; UNVolunteers) on climate change adaptation& mitigation projects, on raising awareness and educate people about climate change and its impacts on our society, and on promotion of green energy technologies as well as on smart& green urban solutions. I have many interests and I enjoy being able to work on different projects.
Also, I travel a lot and during my travels I look out for local initiatives, green energy or environmental projects and try to write different case studies. I strongly believe in decentralised, comminuty-based solutions which will help a polulation to adapt sustainably to climatic changes.
Hence I am interested in different energy and development projects. I try to engage and help as much as I can. For the moment I do not work for an organisation, but I certainly will be at some point. Untill then, I try to contribute whereever I can.
Joined 2012