Unite4Climate and Conservation (U4CC) Programme Assistant
Enock holds a B.A Education (Environmental Education) from the University of Zambia. Currently works as the Unite4Climate and Conservation (U4CC) Programme Assistant as well as Smart Climate Actions Zambia (SCAZ) Project Manager at the Wildlife and Environmental Conservation Society of Zambia (WECSZ). He shares the Best Change Project and Best Change Project Presentation Awards with a colleague from the Advanced International Training Programme (ITP) - Climate Change Mitigation and Adaptation, Southern Africa Region, 2019, by the Swedish Meteorological and Hydro-logical Institute (SMHI) and Sida. He actively participates in climate change reduction advocacy and awareness raising, building practical skills among-st young people in climate change and conservation. His passion is in environmental and natural resources conservation.
Principle: Value for Information that generates Knowledge for Attitude change which inspires Skills development for one to actively Participate in problem solving.
Personal Goal: To translate the often theoretical knowledge in conservation into practical responses to the challenges we face.
Joined 2019