Rural Development and Climate Change Adaptation - Technical Coordinator
Former director and academic researcher at IARNA of Universidad Rafael Landivar. More than 20 years of experience working with government agencies, NGOs, and local communities in the design, execution, and evaluation of complex projects linking the environment to development.
During 2013-2018 acted as M&E expert and local capacity coordinator for the USAID/Guatemala Monitoring & Evaluation Program (MEP) (Subcontract No: l096-SC-13-001-00 – IARNA). The program contributed to shape longer-term strategic direction and decision making, particularly regarding the implementation of the Feed the Future and Global Climate Change initiatives. I lead the Ecosystem Service Partnership Region Chapter 2 on Central America & Caribbean and sub-region 2A on Central America.
An active member of EvalIndigenous, an international network under the umbrella of IOCE and EvalPartners that seeks to promote Indigenous evaluation and culturally responsive evaluation within Indigenous contexts. Also, an active member of the Organismo Indígena Naleb' (NALEB), and the Association of Research and Social Studies (ASIES) ranked among the top think tanks in Central and South America, and the best in Guatemala.
Joined 2010
Organismo Indígena Naleb’
Guatemala, Guatemala