Mujahid Hussain
Mujahid Hussain
Mr. Mujahid Hussain has many years of national and International experience with development and humanitarian organizations. He served on key positions with International development and humanitarian organizations in many countries of Asia and Africa. His sectoral and thematic experience includes Global Change and Resilience, Humanitarian Assistance, Emergency Food Security, Sustainable Developments, monitoring and evaluation, and capacity development of Civil Society actors. He is well-experienced professionals with strong evaluation experience of large-scale program/projects impact evaluation (design, methods, and tools), having in-depth knowledge of institutional and social change processes. He also developed organizational strategic plans, partnership based operational models; Emergency Response Strategies, emergency preparedness plan, contingency plans.
He also has experience in conducting research studies, project evaluations, Needs Assessment, Situation Analysis, and conducting surveys for development and humanitarian organizations. He also has an experience of conducted Do No Harm Analysis, Multi Scenario Planning, Rapid Social and Cultural Assessment including Gender Analysis.
He has an opportunity of implementing large scale humanitarian program/projects of different donors; USAID (OFDA and FFP), DFID, ECHO, DFATD, BMZ and UN agencies in natural and conflict emergency settings.
He is technical consultant to AKAH Afghanistan and Tajikistan on CBDRM activities such as preparing Community Hazards, Risk, Vulnerability and Capacity Assessment (HRVCA) and Community based DRM Plan, preparing feasibility studies and reports and as well establishing community based early warning system.
Mr. Hussain is widely traveling in different Asia and Africa; Pakistan, Afghanistan, Tajikistan, Kenya, Zimbabwe, South Sudan, Sri Lanka, Vietnam, Malawi, Zambia, and Nepal for consulting, advisory and project management level position. He has Master degree in Economics from Karachi University Pakistan and also different professional courses UN University Tokyo Japan. He also published research papers in renowned global journals.
Joined 2019
Islamabad, PakistanAdd your project
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