My name is Karin Lundgren-Kownacki and I am originally from Umeå, Sweden. I have a bachelor’s degree in Environmental Science from Plymouth University in England and a master’s degree in Environment and Sustainability Science (LUMES) from Lund University in Sweden. I obtained my PhD 2018 in Work Environment Technology at Lund University. My thesis focused on increasing heat from climate change and its consequences for health and work productivity. The research also investigated local sustainable solutions to increasing heat. I have also done research on thermal comfort in indoor environments among other aspects of the thermal environment.
I have experience from working as a consultant at various international organizations in Geneva, namely the International Labour Organization, the World Health Organization and the United Nations Environment Programme (chemicals branch) during the years 2010-2012.
I currently work with climate adaptation at the Swedish meteorological and hydrological institute (SMHI). I mainly work in the secretariat for for the Swedish National Expert Council for Climate Adaptation. The council evaluates climate adaptation in Sweden and advices the government on preparing for climate change.
Joined 2020