Asisstant Professor
As an academic and researcher, Md. Khalid Hasan is interested to work at the frontiers of disaster, climate change, environment, and health research and decided to choose it as his career. He has been involved in research in the areas of environment, disasters, education, migration, remote sensing, climate change and health since 2009. After working for the Department of Soil Science, University of Chittagong, he joined the University of Dhaka as a lecturer of the Institute of Disaster Management and Vulnerability Studies (IDMVS) in 2013. Md. Khalid Hasan has a good number of publications at home and abroad. He has also supervised a number of Masters’ level dissertations in diversified areas. He has experiences in working various important projects and contributed as researcher and consultant concerning environment, GIS and remote sensing, migration, disasters management, climate change, ecosystem services, food security, pollution, sustainable development issues like poverty, health, education, livelihood, health and sanitation, and many others.
Joined 2019