Laura Correa Puerta
Laura Correa Puerta
As a civil engineer and specialist in construction management I am technically involved with different projects of infrastructure (highways, hydroelectric, ports, etc), that have to be developed during the stages of identification, pre-feasibility, feasibility and design; but this analysis also has to be made with environmental criteria. In some projects I had been participle of the hydrological analysis and the pre-design of hydraulic structures.
Currently, I am responsible of the evaluation and formulation of the environmental studies demanded for the Colombian Legislation, which analytically involves biotic and human interaction with the nature resources.
In agreement to the Intergovernmental Panel On Climate Change, IPCC, there is evidence of many natural systems that are being affected by regional climate changes; nevertheless, it is not reached to discern still what is the anthropogenic effect in these changes. Currently, the efforts are focused on the evaluation of how vulnerable climate system could be, how fast could be adaptive to the new conditions and how much it could be mitigated.
For Latin America, there are problems compromising sustainable development, such stress and the climate changes in the uses of land, demographic pressures as a result of migration to the urban zones; the accumulation and propagation of infectious diseases. On the other hand, the overexploitation is the threat for the local production systems and the bad management of the irrigation procedure is provoking the salinization of soils and water.
Climate change could bring new environmental conditions derivate from the modifications in the space and time, frequency and intensity from the meteorological and climatically process. Face to a new climate system and, in particular, the exacerbation of the extreme events; it is required new forms of manage human and nature systems to get sustainability. In fact of this, new anthropogenic interventions should be developed as adaptable solutions to a variable climate system that minimizes the negative physic, biotic and social impacts, which it means that the new generations, should think about sustainable development.
Bearing in mind the writing before and having studied the necessity to formulate projects with mitigation that can be possible to adapt to the new condition of climate change, we totally as a private company, considerate useful to learn from other experiences.
Joined 2011
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