Climate Risk and Adaptation Specialist
Dr Peter Urich: Peter is the Managing Director of CLIMsystems Ltd. Dr. Urich has over twenty years of experience in community development, resource management, climate change adaptation, and risk assessment; he has his PhD in Human Geography from the Research School of Pacific and Asian Studies at the Australian National University. Peter has led initiatives for mainstreaming climate risk assessments for corporations, local councils and national governments. He has assisted in the design, development and application of customized climate change risk assessment tools for governments, consulting firms and NGOs around the world. His project experience focuses on client and stakeholder engagement with translation of complex climate science and data for local, bottom-up application. The integration of local traditional knowledge with climate data and models from a wide array of sources is a critical aspect of most projects. With experience across more than 60 countries project activities range from community engagement and planning for climate resilience in at risk communities in the Philippines, Vanuatu, Nauru, and he Marshall Islands to high profile risk assessments for major international events such as the FIFA World Cup in Qatar and water and waste water planning in Bengaluru, India and Miami-Dade in Florida. Peter has lectured at university level and supervised dozens of masters and PhD students. He has also trained a wide range of stakeholders in climate change topics in countries including the Philippines, Viet Nam, Tajikistan, the Marshall Islands, Vanuatu, Nauru, Australia and the United States. Peter through CLIMsystems maintains key memberships in CORDEX (Coordinated Regional Climate Downscaling Experiment), Climate Knowledge Brokers and Climate Service Partnership of the World Meteorological Organization and other international organizations.
Joined 2018
Hamilton, WKO, New Zealand