Executive Director
Dr. Peter Graham - Professor smart low-carbon built environments, Acting Director Centre for Urban Transitions & Executive Director, Global Buildings Performance Network www.gbpn.org, an international NGO addressing the mitigation of greenhouse gas emissions from the buildings sector. He has more than 15 years experience in international advocacy, research and education in sustainable building design, construction, evaluation and policy. He has been the Technical Advisor and past Coordinator of the United Nations Environment Programme’s (UNEP) Sustainable Buildings and Climate Initiative (www.unep.org/sbci) where he developed and managed many of UNEP’s key research projects and publications in the building sector. He was also Head of Discipline for Architecture & Design at the University of New South Wales, Sydney, Australia and Technologies Stream-Leader in the Architecture Program at UNSW. He began his academic career at RMIT as lecturer in Sustainable Construction. Recent work includes reports and web-platform supporting international collaboration to improve building energy codes for the G20 and Major Economies Forum, and contributing author to IPCC AR5 Working Group 3 Buildings Chapter, the Global Energy Assessment, UNEP Emissions Gap Report, and contributor to drafting the UN Sustainable Development Goals. He also led the content development, organizational strategy and implementation planning for the Paris COP21 Buildings Day and Global Alliance for Buildings and Construction. Linked in: www.linkedin.com/in/peter-graham-4b722922
Joined 2018