Senior Climate Scientist
Yinpeng Li: Senior Climate Scientist
Dr Yinpeng Li is a senior climate scientist at CLIMsystems and is an internationally recognized expert in climate change and adaptation with experiences of working in many countries over 15 years. His main expertise is climate change integrated assessment and model development. Yinpeng Li’s skills extend to broad fields, including: climate, land, and ocean big data analysis and downscaling; innovative and practical climate change adaptation and risk assessment tool development; extreme event analysis for precipitation and heat events and sea level rise; integrated assessment and decision making support system development; interdisciplinary problem identification and strategy development; project development, implementation and reporting; stakeholder communication and training.
- developed a dynamic vegetation model (AVIM-DVM) and food and water security models and tools for FAWSIM and SIMCLIM.
- involved in the development of an Atmosphere Vegetation Interaction Model (AVIM). National and international peers have recognized AVIM and a series of papers were published.
- conducts fundamental research for product development and project implementation.
- maintains our growing relationship with the CORDEX groups of the world and attends critical international meetings for gaining knowledge and extending our outputs to a wide audience.
Joined 2019
Hamilton, WKO, New Zealand