Executive Director
Dear Colleagues,
Greetings from Grameen Development Society (GDS) in Bangladesh.
We have the honor to you that Grameen Development Society (GDS) is a
non Government Voluntary human development Organization. This
Organization has been conducting various socio-economic development
activities such as Water Supply & sanitation, Environment & Climate
Change, Education, Health, awareness, legal aid, and protection to the
persecuted women and children are worth mentioning.
As such if we get enlistment enrollment from you we will be able to
speed up and extend and development our effort.
Under the circumstances we pray and hope that you would be kind enough
to enlist enrollment our organization as member and oblige thereby.
Thanks & regards,
Mr.Zahid Hossain Khan
Executive Director
GDS - Grameen Development Society
"Khan Villa"
West Kawnia, Jail Bagan
Barisal- 8200, BANGLADESH
Phone- 088 0431 217 6528
Fax- 088 0431 2174905
Mobile- 088 017169 52749
[email protected], [email protected]
Joined 2016