Developing Graduate Courses in Climate Change Adaptation: The UNEP Source-Book for Curricular Development

The Graduate Climate Change Adaptation Curricula Sourcebook aims at contributing to the curriculum innovation activities of the Environmental Education and Training Unit (EETU) of UNEP.
It presents strategies for teaching various climate change adaptation concepts. It is designed to contribute to EETU’s objectives of the supporting universities in developing academic programmes that embrace the principles of Education for Sustainable Development (ESD).
The objective of the Sourcebook is to equipping graduates with knowledge and necessary skills in climate change required to address the global development challenges of the 21st Century, especially in the transition towards the Sustainable Development Goals and the green growth paradigm. The design, content and approaches suggested in the Source-Book followed an extensive review and analysis of existing graduate level curricula, along with textbooks and other materials on climate change adaptation used in universities around the world. The Sourcebook has ten (10) thematic modules.
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This poster was produced by Professor Chris Gordon.