Strengthening Community-based Disaster Risk Management in Asia: shifting from lessons observed to lessons learned (SCRDM+)
©CARE/Brendan Bannon
Project overview
Raks Thai Foundation in Thailand is collaborating with CARE Australia to expand the Raks Thai project “Strengthening Community-based Disaster Risk Management (DRM) in Asia: Shifting from lessons observed to lessons learned (SCDRM+).”
The original project design aimed to build on post-Tsunami investments to strengthen DRM capacity in India, Indonesia, Maldives, Sri Lanka and Thailand. In partnership, Raks Thai and CARE Australia will expand the capacity-building programme to include CARE Country Offices and their key partners in Cambodia, Papua New Guinea, Lao PDR, Myanmar, Timor-Leste, Vietnam and Vanuatu.
The project aims to create e-learning modules on integrating climate change into DRM. It will also hold two regional face-to-face trainings and interactive ‘how to’ practical work in ‘learning labs’ in Thailand. The consolidated learning generated under the project will be fed into national programming for the development, or revision, of culturally and linguistically appropriate and nationally endorsed tools in participating countries.
The SCDRM+ project provides an opportunity to look at CARE’s Integrating Climate Change Adaptation Toolkit in national contexts as well as other tools and materials, and progress integration of climate change adaptation and DRM into our practice.
Promboon Panichapak, Bruce Ravesloot, Chanyuth Tepa, Prasarn Sathansatit
Implementing Organisation
Raks Thai Foundation and CARE International in India, Indonesia, Maldives, Srilanka
Funding Organisation
UN/ESCAP on Multi-donor Voluntary Trust Fund on Tsunami Early Warning Arrangements in the Indian Ocean and Southeast Asia
10/2009- 09/ 2011. Southern Thailand covered Krabi province and other 6 neighboring coastal provinces.