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Restoration of degraded lands of Djimabala: The case of the palm groves of M’BETOU

The project is located in the Djimbala region, based on the principle of participation and accountability of rural communities along the Inland Delta of the Niger River, in the restoration of degraded lands dominated by palm groves. This species, despite its economic and ecological value, is neglected by policy makers and destroyed by people who require this species for their subsistence needs. Advisory support will be provided by the NGO APSAGA and its partners to bring people together in order for them to organize themselves to facilitate the regeneration capacity of palm groves and ensure sustainable management in M’betou, a village chosen as a test area. The project included a series of activities that included advising, collaboration, organization and demonstration of techniques for restoration of marginal and fragile lands, the potential for regeneration and the rational exploitation of the doum palm. Then a process will be undertaken with the local populations and decision makers to adopt a local agreement that will enable better management of the palm groves which will be based on social and cultural norms.

Mouhamadou Farka Maiga, Modibo Sangho

[email protected], [email protected], ONG APSAGA, ONG AMADE-PELCODE and FEM

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