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Planning guidance on urban design

This case study describes how Coventry city centre is undergoing massive redevelopment and is the subject of an Area Action Plan in the Local Development Framework.
city model

Coventry city centre is undergoing massive redevelopment and is the subject of an Area Action Plan in the Local Development Framework. An Urban Development Framework is currently being compiled which will become a Supplementary Planning Document (SPD) informing the city centre redevelopment. A key chapter of the SPD considers adapting to climate change. The draft document has already been out to public consultation and is scheduled to go forward for formal adoption later in the year.

Key messages and learning outcomes

Consideration of the impacts of future climate and weather on the city centre is embedded in the Local Development Framework. If guidance is followed, the design of buildings and spaces will be more resilient to the changes that lie ahead. Adapting to climate change and sustainability issues are key drivers not only in the regeneration of the City Centre, but also the City as a whole.

Climate risks include:

  • Higher summer temperatures
  • Substantially drier summers
  • Increase in the number of very hot days
  • Decreases in summer and autumn soil moisture
  • Higher winter temperatures
  • Generally wetter winters
  • Decrease in the number of very cold days
  • Increases in winter precipitation frequency, duration and intensity

There is recognition that climate and weather impacts are a significant consideration, and that buildings and spaces need to be created to increase the city centre’s resilience to climate change.

Strategic Coventry City Council documents: Core Strategy, Climate Change Strategy (2008), Delivering a More Sustainable City SPD (2009)

Adaptation outcomes

Component chapter of the urban design framework for the city centre, with planning guidance provided in the form of SPD.

Enabling factors

Consideration of the impacts of future climate and weather on the city centre is embedded in the Local Development Framework. If guidance is followed, the design of buildings and spaces will be more resilient to the changes that lie ahead.


SPD is only guidance – there is no planning requirement tied in, but individual developments need to have regard for the Framework and should reflect the guidance in the SPD to achieve a more resilient city centre that is fit for the future.


Andy Telford, Urban Design, Coventry City Council

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