Identify and engage relevant stakeholders
Identify and engage relevant stakeholders
These can include partners, champions and a local organising team.
Explore the key questions below using selected resources to help you co-design climate service processes.
Italicised questions are ongoing considerations i.e. it is particularly important to keep revisiting these questions as the transdisciplinary knowledge integration process develops.
- What local organisations and initiatives are already working on issues of climate resilience and related issues? Are there partnership opportunities?
- Which organisations, institutions or departments provide relevant sectoral expertise and experience needed?
- Which institutional actors are critical to engage in this process? E.g. the local meteorological department or NHMS; national government; local government decision-makers and councillors; private sector; civil society, etc.
- Which groups are impacted on the ground (at community level) and can provide representative voice(s)?
- Can champions or change agents be identified in these organisations? Do they already exist?
- How can activities in early engagements be designed to build trust and a safe space for open speaking and respect between a diverse mix of participants from different backgrounds and disciplines?
- Can a local organising team be established to support the logistics for and facilitation of engagements and maintain and strengthen local relationships between face-to-face engagements?
- How can venues and the length of engagements create a conducive atmosphere for learning away from day-to-day distractions?
What engagements might work best to bring other stakeholders into the process as needed? e.g. one on one meetings, smaller dialogues with selected participants.
How can information developed in the process be shared on a regular basis with participants to keep everyone informed of progress?
Key resources to help answer these questions
FRACTAL Podcast Series – Exploring transdisciplinary approaches to support resilience and adaptation decision making
Co-designing climate services to integrate traditional ecological knowledge: a case study from Bali, Indonesia
City government-research partnerships: Reflections from Cape Town and Johannesburg
ProSus #3: Building resilience in southern African cities
An Embedded Researcher approach to integrate climate information into decision making in southern African cities: lessons from FRACTAL
Identify and engage relevant stakeholders
These can include partners, champions and a local organising team.
Explore the key questions below using selected resources to help you co-design climate service processes.