Set Focus and learning objectives
Set Focus and learning objectives
This can contribute to an ongoing monitoring, evaluation and learning process.
Explore the key questions below using selected resources to help you co-design climate service processes.
Italicised questions are ongoing considerations i.e. it is particularly important to keep revisiting these questions as the transdisciplinary knowledge integration process develops.
Can learning objectives be agreed for the process or for specific engagements?
Can indicators be developed to measure impact particularly where outcomes are intangible?
How can reviews and reflections provide feedback and learning for the process?
How can a culture of learning and reflection be encouraged between all participants?
Can the process be anchored through developing tangible outputs or projects?
Key resources to help answer these questions
Discourse analysis as a method for understanding urban governance
ProSus #3: Building resilience in southern African cities
A guide to Effective Collaboration and Learning in Consortia
Set Focus and learning objectives
This can contribute to an ongoing monitoring, evaluation and learning process.
Explore the key questions below using selected resources to help you co-design climate service processes.