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FAQ – What are the different types of content users can add on weADAPT?

What are the different types of content users can add on weADAPT?

An article is any content that is broadly relevant to the climate change adaptation community. As opposed to a Case Study, it is not specific to a community, city, region or country. Articles can include research findings, guidance documents, and project summaries (where these projects cover more than one location). 

A case study is any type of content that can be viewed in the weADAPT’s Case Study map. Case Studies can include (but are not limited to) adaptation stories from communities and insights from and examples of adaptation measures in specific locations. Case Studies tend to be shorter summaries of work and must relate to a specific location, identifiable with a longitude and latitude.  

A blog post is an entry written by one or multiple authors which are usually short and use a more personal tone. Whereas articles and case studies should generally follow the scientific method and a review process, blogs can be more informal and display a personal opinion. However, the arguments and messages shared in blogs pieces should be grounded in scientific and/or verifiable information and will follow the same internal review process as other pieces of content. Blogs are especially effective when used to respond to or reflect on recent political, social, economic or scientific issues and developments (related to climate adaptation), or share learnings from major events such as COP. Note: we currently only cross-post blogs, which means that we will only be able to publish your blob on weADAPT if it has first been published somewhere else (and we would make this clear in the blog itself)

Our ‘Event’ page includes two types of content: 

  • Upcoming events,where users and organisations can publicise upcoming online or hybrid events that relate to climate adaptation. Usually, each event includes a title, a date and time, a short description, details of the agenda or speakers and a link to register or find out mor 
  • Past events, where users can post a record of a past event, including the events details and a summary (including, for example, key messages) and audio or video recording of the event. 

Further information:

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