SDC Climate Change & Environment (CC&E) Network

Why political Economy Matters in the Water Sector – RésEAU network Learning Event, 25 October 2023.
RésEAU, the sister network of SDC Network on Climate, DRR and Environment, is pleased to invite you to a learning...
Supporting youth through sustainable actions – call for project proposals
Introducing the 1 Million Youth Actions Challenge... Supporting youth-led initiatives related to clean water and sanitation, responsible consumption and production,...
Webinar on Sustainable Groundwater Management
To celebrate and share the results of the 8+ years Sino-Swiss cooperation project “Rehabilitation and management strategies of over-pumped aquifers...
No Blue – No Green
In the context of the UN Food Systems Summit 2021, the Global Programme Water's Network RésEAU, part of the Swiss...
Webinar: Promoting Equity and Ensuring Accountability in Climate Change Funding (14th April)
Transparency International (supported by the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation, SDC) will host an event titled Safeguarding Integrity for...
Webinar on Navigating Blockchain and Climate Action (17 December – 4PM CET)
Dear colleagues, The third edition of the Climate Ledger Initiative (CLI) report, Navigating Blockchain and Climate Action, will be launched...