Understanding the decision-making context and elicitation of requirements for decision-support tools

This presentation (see below) summarizes the survey and interview responses on decision-making and decision-support tools (DSTs) for health and environmental change in the context of the Healthy Futures project.
Hf ppt survey results from weADAPT Learn – Share – Connect Hf ppt survey results from Sukaina BharwaniA survey was sent to the Healthy Futures project partners in order to understand the decision-making context for DSTs and to elicit the requirements needed to tailor the DSTs (i.e. ADX) to the specific needs of decision-makers in relation to 3 vector-born diseases (VBDs): Malaria, Rift Valley Fever and Schistosomiasis. A total of 10 respondents completed the online survey. Additional interviews were conducted to several decision-making bodies in Kenya to further understand the decision-making needs and requirements for DSTs, and to complement the online survey.
Key areas covered in the survey and in the interview include:
- How decisions are being made
- Factors that matter most in decisions
- Criteria that should be considered in decision-making processes
- Data used to make decisions
- Challenges for decision-making in relation to the control of vector-borne diseases
- Research needed to support decision-making
- Research outputs that could be helpful in structuring decision-making
- How is uncertainty complicating decision-making
- How is uncertainty currently dealt with?
- Useful spatial scales for DST
- Time scales or time horizons of decision-making
For further details on the online survey, please click here.
Related resources on health and climate change
- weADAPT page on climate change and health
- The AdaptCost project included health sector studies of costs and benefits of adaptation in Africa
- NCAP Ghana Health Sector Assessment
- AfricaAdapt Health Theme
- World Health Day – Climate Change and Health