Using MapStakes to increase the inclusivity of smart city planning in Khon Kaen, Thailand
Discover how MapStakes can be used to make smart city planning more inclusive. This policy toolkit discusses how the approach can help ensure stakeholder representation, as well as improve an understanding of which stakeholders are most affecting, and being affected by, smart city developments.
Youth Engagement with the Global Goal on Adaptation
Explore what young people think about the Global Goal on Adaptation in this report by the Global Center on Adaptation. It provides an insight into a series of worldwide youth consultations on adaptation, and discusses the role of the youth in the international climate adaptation agenda.
Catalogue of Ecosystem-based Adaptation Measures in Mountains
Explore the experiences of using Nature-based Solutions (NbS) and Ecosystem-based Adaptation (EbA) to build climate resilience in three mountain ranges. The catalogue provides practical information on these experiences to inform NbS practitioners, decision-makers, project designers and managers, researchers and local communities.
Artefacts of Disaster Risk Reduction: bridging the gap between policymaking and capacities on the ground
Explore how to bridge the gap between inefficient top-down policymaking and the often-neglected capacities on the ground in this Artefacts of Disaster Risk Reductionarticle; a result from a four-year project titled ADAPTO (Climate Change Adaptation in Informal Settings – Understanding and Reinforcing Bottom-up Initiatives in Latin America and the Caribbean).
Estimating the resource recovery potential of waste streams in Kampala, Uganda
Discover how to apply a simple material flow analysis approach to track the transformation of waste streams into resource recovery products, such as biogas and solid fuel through this case study in Kampala, Uganda. The results of this approach can be used to encourage more sustainable urban sanitation and waste management systems.
Webinar: Women move mountains in adapting to climate change
Watch this International Mountain Day webinar which focused on how to promote gender-responsive climate action in mountain areas. Learn more about the role of women in climate action, best practice examples and key lessons learnt.
Using WASH Flows in the in the development of the Tupiza watershed plan, Bolivia
Learn about how WASH Flows was used in Tupiza watershed, Bolivia; an area with limited access to water and sanitation services. Explore how the outputs allowed an evaluation the impact of potential WASH solutions.
Principles for Co-Producing Climate Services: Practical Insights from FRACTAL
Explore principles for co-producing climate services based on FRACTAL project evidence and experiences through this working paper.
Great Adaptations Podcast
Listen to the Glacier Trust's Great Adaptations podcast featuring interviews with leading figures in the climate change adaptation and climate justice movement.
Decision Making Options for Managing Risk – Frequently Asked Questions from Chapter 17 of the IPCC’s 6th Assessment Report
How do we know whether adaptation is successful? Which guidelines, instruments and resources are available for decision-makers to recognize climate risks and decide on the best course of action? Learn about these and other frequently asked questions from Chapter 17 of the 6th Assessment Report of the International Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), Working Group 2: Impacts, Adaptation, and Vulnerability.