sustainable development
Understanding the Global Goal on Adaptation: the road from Dubai to Belém
This technical briefing offers a concise overview of the current state of GGA negotiations after COP29 in November 2024, including summarized information on how Parties, experts, and other actors are working to develop indicators and address a range of cross- cutting and emerging issues.
SEI Webinar: New Integrated Climate and Development Planning Tools
This webinar presents and discusses a series of new SEI tools designed to support integrated planning for climate change mitigation, climate adaptation and sustainable development.
Mountains in National Adaptation Plans – A short analysis
Explore an overview of climate change adaptation priorities specific to mountains in NAPs submitted by Non-Annex l countries under the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change. The review highlights examples from NAPs of climate adaptation actions in mountains and makes broad recommendations on raising awareness about mountain-specific challenges and solutions in NAP processes.
Empowerment in WASH Index Tool
Learn about EWI: a pragmatic survey-based tool made to measure, monitor and carry out diagnostics of water, sanitation, and hygiene-related interventions, allowing for inclusive and equitable outcomes.
Resilient Mountain Solutions in the Hindu Kush Himalaya
Learn about why a focus on resilience in the Hindu Kush Himalaya region is important, and explore the different components of ICIMOD's Resilient Mountain Solutions programme.
Sustainable Consumption and Production in Africa UN CC:eLearn online course
The course will discuss the challenges and outlooks for sustainable development on the continent of Africa. It introduces participants to the key approaches, policies and international frameworks that aim to unlock more sustainable patterns of consumption and production.
Overcoming Barriers to Integrated Planning: Tools and Training for Countries to Combine Climate and Development Aims
This brief presents an analysis of available tools for integrated planning that can identify and maximise synergies between sustainable development and the ambition required by a 1.5°C climate mitigation target.
Climate Resilient Development Pathways – Frequently Asked Questions from Chapter 18 of the IPCC’s 6th Assessment Report
What is a climate resilient development pathway? How can different actors across society and levels of government be empowered to pursue climate resilient development? Learn about these and other frequently asked questions from Chapter 18 of the IPCC's AR6 Working Group II report: Impacts, Adaptation, and Vulnerability.
An Introduction to Nature-based Solutions
Explore the basics of nature-based solutions as concept with example case studies through this introductory article.
Epidemic-Macroeconomic Model for sustainable development planning under COVID-19
The SEI Epidemic-Macroeconomic Model is a software designed to help national and regional authorities develop their own Covid-19 pandemic-adjusted economic baseline scenarios for sustainable development planning.