Gonzalo Lizarralde, Professor, Faculty of Environmental Design – School of Architecture, Université de Montréal, Canada.
Gonzalo Lizarralde’s work has significantly contributed to current debates about climate change action, the role of informality in project governance, the usefulness of the resilience framework, the impacts of rapid urban transformation, and low-cost housing in developing countries. He holds the Fayolle-Magil Construction Research Chair in Architecture, the Built Environment and Sustainability at the Université de Montréal. He is also the director of the IF Research Group (GRIF), the director of the Canadian Disaster Resilience and Sustainable Reconstruction Research Alliance (Œuvre durable) and one of the founders of i-Rec, an international network of specialists in disaster risk reduction and reconstruction. He is the author of the books Unnatural Disasters: Why Most Responses to Risk and Climate Change Fail but Some Succeed; The Invisible Houses: Rethinking and Designing Low-Cost Housing in Developing Countries; and co-editor of Rebuilding after Disasters. In 2016, he became a Member of the College of New Scholars, Artists, and Scientists of the Royal Society of Canada.
Joined 2023
montreal, QC, Canada