Adriaan Tas
Outcome Mapping
What is it about? Outcome mapping is an innovative approach to planning, monitoring and evaluating international development work. The approach...
Adaptation and biodiversity synergies
In Africa, forests play key roles in supporting national economies, provide valuable ecosystem services, mitigate climate impacts and should play major roles in national development strategies.
Sustainable Livelihoods in the Coastal Zone of Suriname
The NCAP project sought to respond to a need for adaptation measures at a more local level and focused on...
Climate Change and Sustainable Herding in Mongolia
Many people in Mongolia depend on keeping livestock for their livelihoods. This dependency makes the country and especially the poor...
Climate Change Impacts in Huong River Basin and Adaptation in its Coastal District Phu Vang
The main objective of the project was to strengthen the capacity and preparedness of the different sectors, organizations and people...