Saowalak Jingjungvisut
USAID-funded Mekong Adaptation and Resilience to Climate Change (Mekong ARCC) is a five-year program within the Lower Meko...
Planning and Implementing Rural Adaptation Initiatives in the Lower Mekong: Integrating Climate Science and Local Knowledge
This comprehensive report demonstrates an integrative process for combining climate science and community knowledge to support climate change adaptation planning in the Lower Mekong Basin.
Valuing Ecosystem Services in the Lower Mekong Basin
4 specific Ecosystem Services Valuation Guides for Cambodia, Lao PDR, Thailand and Vietnam detail explanations of ecosystem services, valuation methods, best practices, and policy recommendations.
Lessons on Integrating Scientific and Community Knowledge of Climate Change to Develop Adaptation Plans in Lower Mekong Basin
USAID Mekong ARCC is implementing approaches to build local level adaptive capacity and resilience within rural communities across the lower Mekong basin countries.
Climate Change in the Lower Mekong Basin: An Analysis of Economic Values at Risk
This VAR Report assesses the current-day values of key assets at risk to climate change in the Lower Mekong Basin countries.
USAID Mekong ARCC Climate Study for the Lower Mekong Basin: Key Final Results
The USAID Mekong ARCC project is a five-year program (2011-2016) funded by the USAID Regional Development Mission for Asia (RDMA) in Bangkok and implemented by DAI in partnership with the International Centre for Environmental Management (ICEM), World Resources Institute (WRI), International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN), World Wildlife Fund (WWF), and Asian Management and Development Institute (AMDI).