Alexa Jay
I work with the CGIAR Research Program on Climate Change, Agriculture and Food Security, in the Climate Risk Management Th...
Scaling up climate services for farmers: Mission Possible- Learning from good practice in Africa and Asia
This report presents lessons learned from 18 case studies across Africa and South Asia that have developed and delivered weather and climate information and related services for smallholder farmers.
How can we turn climate information into action?
How can we turn climate information into action?
Farmer-led innovation in combating drought and desertification
CCAFS blog-post on farmer-led innovation in combating drought and desertification
Scaling up climate services in Tanzania
A new workshop method brings together climate forecasters and national policy-makers to dialogue, build common ground and agree on a...
Does climate information matter? An innovative tool to measure the value of climate services for farmers
Does climate information matter? An innovative tool to measure the value of climate services for farmers