Fondo de Agua para Lima y Callao - AQUAFONDO
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Fondo de Agua para Lima y Callao - AQUAFONDO
We are an articulation platform that mobilizes resources to conserve, protect and restore the watersheds of the Chillon, Rimac and Lurin rivers, and thus contribute to the continuous provision of quality water for the users of the watersheds and mainly for the population of Lima and Callao.
We were established in 2010 as the first Water Fund in Peru, integrating in its design the participation of the private sector, NGOs, specialists, academia and international cooperation.
Contribute to water security in Lima, through the promotion of sustainable investments in ecosystem services and public policy advocacy, in partnership with public and private actors.
Lines of intervention
Strategic Line 1: Nature-based Solutions and climate change adaptation practices.
- Development of water seeding interventions.
- Implementation of community-based adaptation measures.
- Implementation of ecosystem-based adaptation measures.
- Participation in hydrological monitoring processes.
- Development of water harvesting interventions.
- Implementation of nexus approach water-energy-food security.
- Promotion of private investment in NbS and/or shared value in water.
- Encouragement and support for sustainable agricultural practices.
- Promotion of treated wastewater reuse initiatives.
Strategic Line 2: Water Governance and Culture
- Capacitation for public officials, community leaders and local authorities.
- Participation and/or development of programs, and awareness-raising campaigns.
- Promotion of spaces for water leaders.
- Participation and/or execution of spaces for co-creation of water challenges.
- Promotion and development of forums and other participatory spaces.
- Development of sustainability agreements.
- Development of synergies in the area of volunteering.
Strategic Line 3: Institutional Sustainability
- Development of institutional internship programs in training activities.
- Participation in representative bodies on water issues.
- Participation in cooperation initiatives for knowledge exchange.
- Establishment of crowdfunding campaigns.
Joined 2024
Lima, Lima, PeruWork
Water Fund for Lima and Callao - AQUAFONDOAdd your project
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