BRACED Resilience Exchange
BRACED is helping people become more resilient to climate extremes in South and Southeast Asia and in the African Sahel an...
A 1.5°C warmer world: A guide for policy-makers and practitioners
This BRACED guide aims to make the findings of the IPCC Special Report on the ‘impacts of global warming of 1.5°C global greenhouse gas emission pathways' more accessible.
Should resilience-building projects (always) be socially acceptable?
This paper asks "What makes humanitarian and development projects socially acceptable?" It combines various sources to gain insight into people’s lived experiences of (trying) to build resilience.
Building resilience and ending violence against women and girls: Experiences in Chad
This BRACED report explores why addressing violence against women and girls matters for development programmes that aim to build people’s resilience, particularly in fragile contexts such as Chad.
Crisis modifiers: A solution for a more flexible development-humanitarian system?
Do crisis modifiers enable development actors to act early, address climate and conflict risks, and work coherently alongside humanitarian actors?
Decentralising climate finance: insights from Kenya and Ethiopia
This paper explores different mechanisms for delivering climate finance at the local level.