Caroline Lumosi
I am a final year master student in Forest and Nature Conservation at Wageningen University, The Netherlands. I am interes...
Helping Pacific Island communities adapt to a changing climate
Through the implementation of the Coastal Community Adaptation Project, USAID will help build the resilience of vulnerable coastal communities in the Pacific Island region.
Climate Change Vulnerability and Adaptive Capacity in Garissa County, Kenya
This document explores the impacts of climate change on livelihoods in pastoral and agro-pastoral households in Garissa County, Kenya
Climate Change Vulnerability and Adaptive Capacity in Garissa County, Kenya
Explore the impacts of climate change on livelihoods in pastoral and agro-pastoral households in Garissa County, Kenya.
The Economics of Climate Change in Kenya
Effects of drought in Kenya: Image: © Newstime Africa Executive Summary This study has assessed the Economics of Climate Change...
UNESCO: Islands of the Future – Building resilience in a changing world
The ‘Islands of the Future – Building resilience in a changing world’ booklet highlights UNESCO activities in Small Island Developing States (SIDS), covering the period from 2006-2013.