Claudia Weigel
Claudia Weigel is Communications and Public Relations Manager at adelphi. She coordinates all tasks in the field of media ...
Steering International Adaptation Finance Towards the Local Level
In this paper, adelphi's team of experts analyses key challenges and potential solutions for channelling money from the international to the local level in order to improve adaptation finance.
Bottom-Up Innovation for Adaptation Financing – New Approaches for Financing Adaptation Challenges Developed Through Practitioner Labs
With regard to climate change adaptation, SMEs in emerging economies face significant financing challenges. Here, adelphi presents 6 innovative bottom-up approaches from India, Thailand and Uganda.
The Roles of the Private Sector in Climate Change Adaptation – an Introduction
This introduction shows how the private sector can advance adaptation. Actors can adapt to climate change, finance climate adaptation of others and support others through products and services.
Understanding and increasing finance for climate adaptation in developing countries
This report explores the current state of finance for climate adaptation and proposes practical, near term solutions to both fill in knowledge gaps and to increase investment.
Insurgency, Terrorism and Organized Crime in a Warming Climate
This report examines the links between climate-fragility risks and non-state armed groups. It draws on four case studies in the Lake Chad region, Syria, Afghanistan and Guatemala.