Gregor Vulturius
MA, BA joined SEI-Stockholm as a Research Associate in January 2013. I am involved in research about climate change adapta...
Refocusing the climate services lens: Introducing a framework for co-designing “transdisciplinary knowledge integration processes” to build climate resilience
This paper seeks to reconceptualize climate services in light of the prevailing inability of existing climate information to spur needed policy and action. It focusses on the transdisciplinary knowledge co-production process rather than the output of a climate services product.
Learning from failures in communication: sharing lessons from research & practice workshop
This article captures the key findings from a workshop at ECCA 2017 that aimed to have open discussions around experiences with adaptation communication to share and learn from what hasn’t worked.
The SEI Initiative on Climate Services
This initiative is developing and testing a new framework - Tandem - for the improved co-design, use and interpretation of climate services.
Building bridges and changing minds: Insights from climate communication research and practice
This brief synthesizes the “state of the art” on climate communication and highlights important questions and challenges that warrant further exploration, particularly regarding European policy
Disasters, climate change and development: Reducing risk by tackling the drivers of vulnerability
This discussion brief examines the relationship between climate and disaster risk reduction, aiming to identify ways for them to work better together.